Saturday, February 6, 2010

Reflection on Week #4

This week we were engaged in a group project using different kinds of online assessment tools that can be used to help with communication and information. It is a challenge to communicate to other individuals in an online format. The group really needs to be focused on the task at hand in order to make the project successful. In my group the communication was very good but I have been in other groups that have not been up to the task and because of that, much of the load must be placed on a few individuals so that the task can be done. If everyone is pulling together, the task is much more manageable.
There were times this week where I thought about this activity and did not think that it would get done. The group pulled together and got the project done. If all group activities ran like this maybe I would not be so much apprehension about that task of group work. The more times I do this the better they will get.
My part of the presentation was to research Live Journal software and it's application. There are so many uses for this software that my research did not even come close to the capabilities. It is a social networking package that comes with e-mail, journal construction, communication and much more. I do not know if I will use it because I am more of a private person, but it is free to use.
In our presentation we looked at other packaged such as Adobe Acrobat (Breeze) and Zoomerang. Both look good but there is a cost to having these packaged. I will need to look these over more to see if they are something that I may want in the future.
This week has been a good week considering that this week the midterm was due and it was a group project.

Onward I push on!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dale, I saw your review in the Wiki. Your group created a very professional looking review. You might want to consider linking your wiki to your blog since it is such a great review. Carolyn from SC
