Friday, January 22, 2010

Reflections on Week #2

As I ponder this class up to this point, I look at the projects that we have done up to this point and am amazed with the kinds of technology that is available to individuals. I can think back to when I was in High School and the computers that we had and how difficult it was for me to master them. They were difficult to program and hard to diagnose issues. The technology of today is user friendly and easy to use. It's refreshing to see. When I think of a blog or designing a blog, I get a overwhelmed and think that this kind of activity is too hard and I will not be able to preform the project. I start to work through it and find that it is not as difficult as I thought it was. I tend to make thing harder then they are. I am learning to give it a shot and try new things and the benefits will come. The information in this class is relevent to my situation in that I am learning new kinds of technology that I will know when I become a online instructor. One needs to step out and try things that maybe different in order to learn and master those projects. I look forward to learning more new technology in the future of this class. I feel that these classes challenge me and are very beneficial to me as I progress on toward completion of my certification.

1 comment:

  1. Dale,
    I agree! I would not have tried several of the technologies used in the first two classes I have taken at UW Stout unless they were part of the class. I love classes that you actually feel like you are being challenged or learning new things.
